The article is interesting, but it’s also the clearest explanation of why a HIGH HRV is good for me.

I don’t think I’ve gotten a clear answer until this time

From the article:

High HRV signals that the variance between heartbeats is more significant, meaning that the body is fluidly transitioning between states of activation (sympathetic) and states of rejuvenation (parasympathetic). 

Low HRV signals less significant variance between heartbeats. The nervous system is struggling to respond to stress or quickly regain balance after the stressor passes. Without full recovery, the physiological pressures of stress linger, and you don’t get the rejuvenation needed for focus or high physical performance.

So it’s a good indicator of what’s going well and what’s not going well

Read more at: 4 vagus nerve exercises to transform how you handle stress – Apollo Neuro

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