In the realm of content creation, one crucial aspect that often slips through the cracks is the idea of having a “home base” for gathering attention. It’s not just about sporadic postings but about strategic presence. A home base isn’t just a platform; it’s a strategic focal point, a place where you invest your energy to connect with your community.

So, what’s the ideal platform? Where you feel most “yourself,” where your community thrives, and where your content has the best chance to go viral. It’s about striking a balance between authenticity, opportunity, and community presence.

And about that elusive audience? It’s an ongoing process for me as well. Finding the sweet spot requires persistent fine-tuning. The right questions guide the strategy. Do I feel real and true on this platform? Where are my people hanging out online? Is this platform conducive to the viral aspects of my work?

For maintaining consistency, it’s less about scheduling each post and more about preparing a reservoir of ideas. As someone who’s been seeking to connect more authentically with an audience, I find the idea of a “content ammo” quite liberating. It gives me the freedom to post when I “feel it,” yet ensures I have a steady stream of quality content to share.

The idea isn’t just to ‘be’ online but to be there strategically, aligning platform choice and content scheduling with one’s unique goals and audience. Planning is good, but don’t let rigidity stifle spontaneity. Have your arsenal ready, but shoot when the time and mood feel right.

Read more at: The Year of the Part-Time Creator

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