Grasping motivation in fitness is not a one-off victory; it’s a continuous process of creation and recreation, a cycle that demands constant nurturing. This holds true regardless of one’s fitness level. The fallacy that those who are fit possess an inexhaustible wellspring of motivation is just that—a fallacy. Even the most dedicated athletes and trainers must sometimes muster the willpower to create and recreate the impulse to move, day after day.

In my own journey as a health coach and an advocate for fitness, I confront this reality daily. Motivation isn’t just stumbled upon; it’s crafted, deconstructed, and rebuilt, often from the ground up. It’s about acknowledging that motivation is not a static entity but a dynamic process that requires patience and perseverance. The act of rolling out the mat or lacing up sneakers is not a testament to effortless drive but to the conscious decision to engage in the labor of creating and recreating the zest to move.

Recognizing this shared challenge offers comfort and a point of connection for all of us on this path. It’s a dance of advance and retreat, a narrative of effort and resilience that we author anew with each sunrise.

Read more at: Eleven Feel-Good Reasons For An 11-Minute Walk – Podcast Episode #144

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