My Canon of Books

I can try to identify my canon. The books that really helped me. And the ones that really changed my perspective

That I would keep coming back to

Dante Spirituality of Imperfection Merton New Seeds of Contemplation Letters Earthsea now more recently.

What are the things that get better as you come back to them?

These are evergreens Some ideas that are timeless

So there’s classic stuff But I like Pacific Rim and Speed Racer. and Thomas Merton stuff

My Canon and Reading List

I listen to a lot of Thomas Merton Which I like because I’m always trying to free myself

He speaks to me and resonates with me He’s not really mainstream But I like the way her writes

It’s penetrating

I like Frank Ambrosio

I like the Spirituality of Imperfection

There are Richard Rohr books I like

The twelve steps books speak pretty close to my experience (Though not perfectly)