topic: 202112141618- Work on a System alias: tags:#permanent-note url:

My writing (250-300 words)

You know how some people make working on their health look effortless?

That’s probably because it actually is not based on effort. People who can work on their health effortlessly have taken the time to build a system that would allow them to continue to put in the work each day, regardless of how they feel.

Now I’m not saying that it’s not hard, it’s a lot of work

But the work is strategic, not wasted. They don’t waste energy on motivating themselves every single morning to wake up, put on their shoes and do their dailies. They wake up and they execute the system.

If you happen to feel motivated to work on your health, focus on building a system.

Use your motivation to be strategic and plan. Review what you’re experimenting with often, and learn from those experiences.

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