Witness Conscioiusness

Learning to witness your own mind

This comes from Jonathan Blow’s game The Witness But I suppose it has connections to eastern philosophy and zen buddhism

The ability to see yourself in a witness in a non biased kind of way.


Of course it links to mindfulness Of course it links to being non judgemental

Is this in Christianity?

I think so? The first thing that comes to mind is that this is how God looks at us But it takes a while to realize that Because we project our own self hatred and judgement onto the way God looks at us.

Christianity doesn’t do this well

Because there’s so much moralizing and so much focus on orthodoxy

Eastern Religions

But in the eastern religions, it seems more like people are open minded or it’s okay for things to just be as they are. They don’t have to be a certain way.

What is this usually the place where it happens?

I wonder what the texts are? The documents? Where do these ideas come from?

I actually don’t know too much. It would be great to look into this a bit more.

The east gets something that the west does not There is some fundamental failure in the way western civ does this

it’s too enlightment it’s too dualistic.

I wonder how eastern civilizations get around this.

It’s the zen kohans. The ability to hold paradox

Scott Fitzgerald Quote

It’s really that the west has to relearn this. Because the east already gets this well

Paradoxes of Christianity

I guess Christianity tried to do this with the mysteries of faith but somehow it become basta na lang. Bahala na. No need to think about it too much Just accept instead of struggle

The struggle is the middle ground It’s not either you accept or you reject.

You struggle