Eating quickly is a habit I’ve struggled with personally, possibly a byproduct of growing up in a large family or just being habitually in a rush. However, understanding and practicing mindful eating is crucial for anyone looking to cultivate healthier eating habits.

According to Lilian Cheung, director of mindfulness research and practice at Harvard University, mindful eating is about slowing down and becoming truly aware of our food. It involves engaging all our senses, acknowledging our emotional connections to food, and understanding the physiological responses to our eating pace.

A practical approach to mindful eating involves several key steps:

  1. Allocate Dedicated Time for Eating: This means creating an environment free from distractions like cell phones. It’s about being present with your meal, not multitasking.

  2. Engage Your Senses: Pay attention to the look, smell, taste, and texture of your food. Notice the emotional reactions it evokes. For instance, a dish reminiscent of a family recipe might bring back fond memories, enhancing the dining experience.

  3. Mindful Portion Control: Instead of eating directly from a large bag or container, serve yourself a small, measured amount. This helps in being conscious of the quantity consumed and appreciating the food more.

  4. Chew Thoroughly: Chewing is not just a mechanical process but an integral part of digestion and appreciation of food. It aids in breaking down food for better absorption and slows down the eating process.

  5. Practice Affirmations and Breathing: Before beginning a meal, take a moment to breathe and remind yourself to enjoy and savor the food. This can help transition from a rushed mindset to a more relaxed and appreciative state.

As someone who tends to eat quickly, implementing these mindful eating practices requires a considerable mental shift. It’s about changing the narrative from eating as just a necessity to eating as a nourishing and enjoyable activity. It’s not merely about the physical act of consuming food but about the experience, the nourishment, and the moment of peace it can provide in a hectic day.

Read more at: Lots of people scarf down their food. Here’s how to eat at a healthier pace : NPR

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