up:: Concepts MOC tags::#concept


I am effortless effort, timeless time

The concept of flow has changed my life. Flow is a state of optimal experience.

When you get Reps of Deliberate practice and gain a certain level of competence, then getting more reps creates a Feedback Loop of deeper focus and Flow-like experiences.

Read how Flow is similar and different to Wu wei.

For a guide on maximizing your flow, go here: FlowCreation MOC.

The thing about Flow is that you can’t directly create it; you can only create the Conditions of Flow. Here are the conditions:

Transclude of block the-three-major-conditions-of-flow

Interestingly, Flow is similar to other domains of effort that worsen the harder you try, because Flow, Insights, and Acting cannot be forced (not included in the LYT Kit).

  • Back Matter
    • dates:: 2009-01-22