Strategy tax (concept)

A strategy tax is a consequence of your business model or your strategy. There’s nothing inherently bad with a strategy tax. It’s just a natural extension of the idea of Trade Offs (concept)

The thing is, you can’t do everything. You have to set some priorities. GMB has this idea of you can do it all, just not all at once. So you have to set some priorities. And by setting those priorities. You are naturally giving up some things.

Freedom from and freedom for

Freedom from and Freedom for (concept)

It’s the price of freedom. You can choose do anything But you can’t choose to do everything.

So by choosing to do something. By setting priorities, whatever gets left out of that, that’s your strategy tax.

I like to think of it as the consequences of your North Star (concept). If my north star is to stay fit and healthy for my children, then it really doesn’t matter if i can do a handstand or not. There are so many cool movements that would be nice to be able to do. But sometimes, they’re not linked to what my goals are and what I’d like to be doing.

There a bit of a need to let go of my ego and just accept that it’s the tax that I have to pay for where I want to be and what I want to do.

Am I willing to pay the tax?

It comes down to that. Can I accept that there are tradeoffs? There’s this attitude that I should be able to do and have everything I want.

But there’s nothing wrong with making sacrifices in order to get something nice and bigger and something that actually makes me happy

A spiritual problem

The ability to just accept. That I can’t have everything. And that you may have to be willing to give up some things. That’s just the nature of reality and life.

To accept things as they are. And change what I can meaningfully affect.