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Important habits preserve mental clarity and a sense of control

I have found that important habits seem to be excellent at preserving mental clarity and a Sense of Control. It’s no surprise. The forces of psychic entropy must constantly be held at bay.

Psychic Entropy encompasses anything that leads to a feeling of chaos. It’s a frenetic energy. It’s feeling scatter-brained, constantly distracted, overwhelmed, overrun, and burnt out. It’s a constant battle; and we must be diligent. We will be bent, bowed, and bloodied. We will lose our way countless times.

That’s where it’s good to know which habits are important for you. For me, my important habits all are small things I can do. And Small Wins foster a Sense of Control.

Here are three basic important habits:

It’s also worth checking out Resiliency Routines help regain a sense of control, which highlight a pattern of “waking early, journaling, and working out”as a means to regain a sense of control in one’s life.

  • Back Matter
    • dates:: 2014-06-28
    • created:: 2014-06-28
    • modified:: 2020-05-28