What’s trending: In 2021, controlling weight was still the #1 reason for working out.

Last year, mental/emotional well-being became the focus. Now, according to Mindbody, longevity has become the core motivator. • ~30% of consumers exercise to live a long and healthy life • 51% engage in movement that prepares them for everyday life • 40% use physical activity to support mental well-being

That’s interesting because people are starting to care about things other than health in the moment. I’m especially intruiged at the idea of movements that prepare you for everyday life.

Something that you find fun and enjoyable would be the way to

That reminds me of The Centenarian olympics

It’s similar because people want to focus on doing things when they’re older. You should optimize for being healthy when you’re old

It’s different because you should also not forget to Powerful Idea of Spending your health that way you’re not just ‘saving’ and ‘saving’ and focusing on only the future

It’s important because we want to balance future returns with present gains. And we want to be able to maximize our enjoyment in any phase of our life

Read more at: Longevity Tops List of Reasons to Work Out | Fitt Insider

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