The problem

The tricky thing is that for so many people, fitness is a black box. They don’t understand how it work. They’re left with so many questions and they’re always left wondering if they’re doing the right thing.

Do you find that you always wonder:

  • What should I do next?
  • Am I doing the right thing?
  • Is there something that I’m over looking.

In order to counter this, try to take a principles approach to your fitness. Principles over rules First principles (concept) Ryan’s Four Principles in Movement

How to tell

If your coach is telling you exactly what to do. Then it’s not principles. See if they can apply concepts

Things to do

Deliberate practice

  • This is what you need a coach for
  • This is where internet workouts fail
  • They can only get you so far
  • Feedback is a big part of this.