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Key Ideas

Hi Javier,

Do you know the #1 difference between star athletes and the runners up?

It’s not strength, speed or agility. It’s not training. It’s not even motivation or how badly they want to win.

What about a Fortune 100 CEO? Do you know their secret to competing in the global marketplace? Hint: it’s not knowledge.

And how about elite sales teams? How do they continually make critical sales while others can’t even get their foot in the door?

The answer?

Their recovery time. The speed in which they rebound from setbacks and mistakes.

Picture a tennis player in the biggest game of her life. She has just hit a weak backhand and she knows it.

In the immediate moments that follow, we see her re-center physically into the “ready” position, facing the net squarely, ready for whatever type of ball comes back.

But an even more important factor is whether she re-centers mentally and gets to the ready mind position in time…

…because here’s the thing. If she’s still upset over her last mistake when the next ball comes, she will smash the ball into the net.

If you don’t recover fast enough, your small mistakes or setbacks can spiral into bigger ones.


Champions know this.

How fast is your recovery time?

When you experience a setback - a rejection from a prospective client, getting admonished by your boss, losing your cool when talking to your teenager - how long does it take you to re-center yourself, mentally and emotionally?

The answer depends on the strength of your Saboteurs.

Every Saboteur pounces into action in response to your inevitable mistakes, failures and setbacks in the game of life.

Depending on which Saboteur you’ve got …

…the anxiety-fueling Saboteurs such as Hyper-Vigilant, Controller, Stickler, and Hyper-Achiever blow the negative consequences of the setback out of proportion.

…the Victim drowns you in self-pity and might even cause you to give up.

…the Avoider shields you in denial, resulting in inaction.

…and so on.

In short, your Saboteurs waste a ton of your mental and emotional energy which in turn prolongs your recovery.

In my last email, I showed you how to weaken your Saboteurs by “taking your hand off the hot stove” — acknowledging your mistakes and moving on.

But how do you train your mind to respond reliably, even in the toughest circumstances?

How do you develop the ability to handle adversity with a clear, calm, and laser-focused mindset?

This takes mental fitness.

My research has studied over 500,000 participants in 50 countries, including Fortune 100 CEOs, Stanford students and elite athletes. It shows that mental fitness is the greatest predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform against your potential.

Some fascinating findings from my research:

  • People with high mental fitness take fewer sick days than their co-workers and are less likely to become burned-out.

  • Salespeople with high mental fitness sell 37% more than teams with lower relative mental fitness.

  • CEOs with high mental fitness lead teams that are more likely to praise their workplace as a high-performance environment.

  • Mental fitness leads to lower levels of stress hormones, better immune system function, better sleep and smaller risk of hypertension, diabetes or stroke.

Mental fitness can actually help you live longer!

I have a lot more to tell you about mental fitness, including the exact steps you need to take to build “mental muscle”, but this email is already too long! More on this soon.

Till next time, hit reply on this email and tell me the most interesting thing you’ve learned about mental fitness and recovery time. I want to know what you think.

  • Shirzad

That’s interesting because

That reminds me It’s similar because It’s different because It’s important because