Watching Anne Laure

I think I could use this framework and apply it also to fitness and health

For what

Use the X but make it Y method

Fitness but make it sustainable Fitness but make it accessible Nutrition but make it simple Fitness but make it simple Fitness but make it easy

Online Programs but personalized

Personalize Online Program

For who

X for who

Psychology for Product Managers Mental Health for new Parents

Personalized Online Programs for Cultivators (I’m so afraid to niche this down) Personalized Online Programs for Flexible Professionals (I’m so afraid to niche this down)

Where should I publish

“The greatest weapon against stress is the ability to choose one over the other”

  • William James


I think I’m feeling this a lot lot now Like I don’t have enough time to work in my system

The Why

Oh nice it’s the intersection of motivation and value proposition That’s actually pretty good