As a health coach, I’m always sifting through the latest research for nuggets of wisdom to share, and coffee is a recurring theme in the wellness dialogue. Today’s revelation comes with a whiff of roasted beans: moderation in coffee drinking aligns with a healthy heart rhythm, contrary to the quickened pulse of concern often associated with caffeine.

This recent study serves as a reminder that nature’s elixir, enjoyed in a balanced measure, does not jolt the heart into disarray as once feared. Yet, the wisdom in these findings is tempered by the caveat of individual health—what brews well for the healthy may not suit those with existing heart conditions.

In my daily practice, I’ll hold this study as a testament to the virtues of moderation, a cornerstone of any healthful habit. Whether coaching clients or contemplating my own cup, I’ll remember: it’s not just the coffee, but how we drink it that matters.

Read more at: Physiology Friday #157: Coffee Drinkers are Healthier. A New Study Explains Why

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