up:: Web3 MOC X:: The trap of giving up religion for science tags:: web3 novelty::

url: Interview: Vitalik Buterin, creator of Ethereum

Key Ideas

Like what democracies aspire to be, a blockchain is highly open and transparent, and anyone can verify that the rules are being followed. Blockchains often spawn what look like religions, in the kind of long-lasting and devout fervor that they inspire among their followers, but they have far more sophisticated economic ingredients than religions typically do

That’s interesting because

That reminds me Science can be just as cherry picky as religion It’s similar because there is a kind of devotion that web3 generates in people. almost to the extreme It’s different because people in religion (tend) to understand that they’re in a religion It’s important because if you don’t know you’re in a cult, you’re in a lot of trouble