Now a world famous physician who treats some of america’s leading celebrities says forget about drugs and realize that


This is possibly the most controversial medical book for the general public ever written. We believe it may also be the most beneficial

For in it, the leading physician (who cured himself of dangerous illness with food alone) asks you to:

  1. Stop taking dangerous drugs
  2. Switch today to an enjoyable NEW way of eating that makes you glow-all-over with great energy- glorious vitality- and above all, ROBUST HEALTH… even if you’ve spend the last forty years feeling “rotten”!

Look at the photo of young looking Dr. Bieler again. Then Realize that he has been a hard-working physician for more than 50 years!

Dr. Bieler’s message to you is quite simple: He wants you to know that as a practicing phsician for the past fifty years, he has seen just about every illness and weakness that the human body can suffer. And he believes that the vast majority of ALL infirmities DO NOT HAVE TO EXIST AT ALL!

Let him tell you about this thrilling discovery, now, in his own words:

”… I have reached three basic conclusions as to the cause and cure of disease. This book is about those conclusions.”

“The first is that the primacy cause of disease is not germs. Rather I believe disease is caused by a toxemia which results in cellular impairment and breakdown, thus paving teh way for the multiplication and onslaught of germs.”

Above all, on page 17, read Dr. Bieler’s own story! Remember, he proved his methods on himself when he was ridden with kidney trouble and asthma, and grossly overweight. In face, when you get your approval copy of FOOD IS YOUR BEST MEDICINE< we think you’ll want to turn to page 17 first and read his own personal story of his discovery of the “health magic” that waits in proper nutrition.