topic: 202112091652- Cheat days language alias: tags:#permanent-note
My writing (250-300 words)
You don’t want to be using language of ‘cheat days’
Because it gives you cognitive disonance. It’s like you create 2 ‘you’s. You give voice to what you want and what your body is trying to do. Even though it’s really part of the experience of forming a new habit
What can you do instead?
Take ownership over the choices you make
If you want to eat a little bit more today. Or enjoy a meal that you want to save for the weekend, that’s perfectly fine. Instead of calling it a cheat day, align it instead with some higher value that you have
So you can say, I’m going to have this snack, but not because I’m cheating, but because I value rest, and being more than just my diet.
It seems like a small thing, but it makes the habit more in line with who you want to be, instead of two competing version of yourself