The landscape of coaching is undergoing a seismic shift, propelled by emergent technologies like AI and an ever-evolving business ethos. I find myself at the cusp of this transformation, contemplating the symbiosis of AI with coaching methodologies, while also fine-tuning the blueprint of my own coaching enterprise. This journey is akin to navigating the wilderness—thrilling yet teeming with the unknown.

Currently, I’m engrossed in two seminal reads: “Between Two Kingdoms” and “The Anatomy of Change”. Their insights promise to be the compasses guiding me through this expedition. The concept of transitions resonates deeply with me; they’re a maelstrom of emotions, a dance of discord and harmony, where one’s core values and desires are both concealed and revealed.

In this vortex, it’s clear that the mastery of change management is not just about strategy; it’s a nuanced craft where knowledge is infinite and each detail can unlock profound transformations. I’m eager to report my findings, insights, and the paths I choose in this thrilling epoch of the coaching realm.

Read more at: The Next Major Wave In Coaching - by Steven Schlafman

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