alias: tags:#idea-note#on/wealth#health#on/freedom url:

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Everyone wants to be wealthy- but few people look into why

What’s the point of money? Not to have it- but to be able to spend it. Anytime. Whenver you want. To do whatever you want. Money isn’t the end in itself- it’s about freedom. It’s about feeling free, and unafraid, and having the security to do whatever you want to do whenver you want to do it.

But health is just the same- so it should be just as important

What’s the point of being healthy? To look good? To feel good?

I’d argue that it’s to do whatever you want to do. The point of health is to be able to spend it anytime. To do whatever you need to do. Whenever you want to move you can. You’re not held back by your body- and the things that your body is limiting you from doing.

Health is about freedom. Just like having money is.

See also