In this era of glorified hustle, admitting to a standstill in progress is paradoxically both taboo and a testament to authenticity. Acknowledging when we’re merely treading water—listless, languishing, and far from “killing it”—is the very admission that keeps us anchored in integrity.

The self-deception spiral is a silent saboteur of progress. It reminds me of the story of Chicago therapists, a tale where the shadow of dishonesty in an honesty-based toll system cast a long pall over their patients’ recovery. It’s a stark reminder that the untruths we nurture within invariably seep into our external world, often with unforeseen consequences.

For me, it is evident that self-honesty is not merely a moral choice but a strategic one. By confronting our own fabrications, we can break free from self-imposed shackles and foster an environment where genuine healing and growth can flourish. Only through such unflinching self-awareness can we expect to embark on a path of true progress and recovery.

Read more at: The Honesty Paradox — Ideas from Detroit x Neil Tambe

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