In our digitally saturated age, the pervasive glow of screens often lures us into a state of perpetual distraction, effectively chaining us to the ‘now’ that is filtered through pixels. It’s a siren’s call, seductive yet increasingly recognized as a barrier to genuine self-acceptance and presence in the physical world.

The pursuit of self-love is often lauded as the ultimate goal, a modern mantra echoed across various platforms. However, I find solace in a more attainable aspiration: to simply coexist with oneself. To accept the inherent flaws and the ‘brokenness’ of human existence is not to succumb to despair, but to cultivate resilience against life’s relentless tide.

I’ve come to cherish the concept of guiding the youth, and indeed ourselves, towards this understanding. The disconnection fostered by anonymity online starkly contrasts with the raw, unfiltered realities of life. Embracing our shared imperfections, learning to live with oneself, and finding meaning beyond the quantifiable - these are the cornerstones of a philosophy rooted in the richness of life’s tapestry.

Read more at: You Are You. We Live Here. This is Now. - Freddie deBoer

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