topic: 202112181550- hawthorne effect alias: tags:#permanent-note url:

My writing (250-300 words)

You know that weird thing where you act differently because you’re being observed?

In science it’s a bit like that Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. But in forming habits, and in health and fitness, it comes from being open and public, allowing yourself to be seen. Bringing things to the light

Because we know that this works for health

It can have a bad connotation when we think about how we change our behavior if we’re being watched. But you can hack it for yourself. You don’t need to make it bad or negative. You just need to have a bit of accountability

This is where a coach helps!

Sometimes, just having a coach makes a big difference

You already know what you have to do, but you need help doing it. And mysteriously, just having someone there, knowing that they’re around to keep you accountable. That makes a little bit of difference

Fellowship helps and works!

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