Curb Cuts Effect (concept analogy)

Curb Cuts (I saw this in 99 pi) Looking at things that benefit some Actually benefit more people

The fallacy of the zero sum game

There’s a misconception that by designing for marginalized communities You’re taking something away from people who have or the privileged

I think of like facial recognition technology If it can improve it’s ability to recognize all sorts of faces. Wouldn’t that mean the technology is better all around?

So designing for the marginalised or the handicap benefits all of society

Application to Fitness

What are workouts for handicap people?

Or workouts when you’re not strong? So when you’re injured, you’re forced to workout in a certain kind of way. But that benefits you overall.

So instead of thinking of it as having taken a step back. You can think of it as having done some sideways training. That makes you stronger for when you go back to your original goals and planned routines.