Concepts over Technique Idea


  • GMB Modifying movement workshop

Key ideas

First idea: When teaching people movement, people tend to focus too much on having the right “technique”

  • This reminds of me college education with the skills tracks vs the learning to learn idea
  • In the case of movement, Ryan identifies four key concepts
    1. Base
    2. Proximity
    3. Speed
    4. Momentum

An example

  • A great way of understanding concept over technique has to do with the phrase “tighter is lighter”
  • If you understand this concept, then you get the idea of proximity
  • If a weight is over a center of gravity, then it’s easier to support, you don’t have to exert as much effort.
  • But the further out you go, the more it becomes a challenge to keep that weight upright
  • Because the further away something is from your center of gravity, the heavier something becomes.
  • In that case, if I have to lift something heavy, I can bring it closer to my center of gravity and then use it that way.

Become Adaptible

  • The ability to adapt and be creative

  • You’re not bound by technique or form.

    • And you don’t have to argue which is the “best” or right way to do things.
  • You just have to understand the principle, then you’ll be able to apply it in a very different kind of way.

You can only Personalize

  • You can also personalize your movements then.

  • You’re not bound to one specific form or one specific way

  • You have the ability to play

  • See also: Play as a consequence free environment

  • You can actually move around and experiment with different types of things

  • This is a massive opportunity for growth and development.

If you just stick to technique

  • Then At some point you’ll get stuck.

  • For example, you’ll say

  • Oh I can never make my movement look exactly the same as the technique that I saw on Youtube.

  • I guess I should just give up and try something else na lang.

  • So then you won’t be able to stick to it.

  • Or you’re always looking for the right technique.

  • But you’ll never really get around to learning the principles.

  • It’s like a way that we move from externalizing your outcomes.

  • Relying on crutches or outside tools vs. Learning to rely on internal ideas and cues

  • Learning how to trust your own coach and your own ideas.

  • And get good thoughts on how your body actually moves.

See also: