Hurts So Good: The Complex Landscape of Chronic Pain

In the age of the internet, where everything is accessible at our fingertips, it’s easy to fall into “communities of grievance” - spaces where individuals bond over shared pain or struggles. These communities can provide a much-needed support system, validating experiences that are often invisible to the external world. However, they also come with a caveat.

But he worried that the internet had unleashed “communities of grievance” that led patients to adopt “victim mentalities.” He told me, “The idea is: ‘You have to accept the fact that I’m disabled even if you can’t see it, because that doesn’t invalidate my experience of disability.’

“You can get addicted to being sad, and sick, and the attention you receive,” Marshal told me. “The ‘misery loves company’ thing makes you sicker.”

Note: You need support, but you also need to believe in your recovery

Read more at: Hurts So Good | The Free Press

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