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Meta-skills for Flowcreation

What’s the goal here? The goal is to Balance Challenge and Skill to get into flow. Balancing Challenge and Skill is basically the meta-meta-skill. On a conceptual level, that’s what we’re always trying to do when we’re going after high quality experiences in life.

Here are the mental steps—the meta-skills—surrounding conscious flowcreation:

  1. Awareness of your current state
  2. Creating the Conditions of Flow
  3. Maintain your Flow — Check out the Four Factors of Flow and learn how you can use these factors to govern and control the levers of flow.
  4. Turnover and refresh yourself

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How Flowcreation skills relate to The Path of Excellence

We naturally do certain things in a certain way when we are improving our skills in a certain domain (say, playing an instrument). We can identify six steps on The Path of Excellence. Below, we can view the skills of flowcreation through the lens of how they relate to the six steps on The Path of Excellence.

  1. Skill of Framing the Situation (Frame)
  2. Skill of Preparing your Environment (Prepare)
  3. Skill of Committing to It (Commit)
  4. Skill of Directing Attention (Focus/Do)
  5. Skill of Finding Fast Feedback (Feedback)
  6. Skill of Well-timed Turnovers (Turnover)
