Freedom is just being yourself

The miles davis quote It took me years to learn to play like myself.

We’re always copying other people. Imitation is not bad. It’s just the first step. We imitate and then we start to become our own thing.

Copy to overcome the problem of not feeling original In fact (I like to start by thinking that I’ll never be original) Someone will have always thought of some idea before I don’t see why I’m supposed to be unique and creative And do something that’s never been done.

Slam dunk content example

There’s that category of originality And that kind bothers me a bit. Because originality is such a myth. To make a slam dunk that’s never been done before. So impossible It’s all about adding a twist onto what already exists. And then expressing that in your own unique way

I think of Josh Smith And when he homaged Dominique

It’s like a curatorial example. Some way to bring things together in that sense of the game.

Plagiarism problems

It’s just too bad that in school. We were beat to death by this idea of plagiarism. I mean, it’s not bad to copy Just honor and respect your sources. Especially if you’re going to start making money. Because of lot of success has to do with luck I think. So you’re lucky it’s you, and not the guy you copied off from. I don’t think I get to take credit

I resonate with this

I was so afraid of being unoriginal Of copying other people’s ideas Of stealing from other people.

I borrowed Ray’s idea of woof woofication. And I used it in class. Delivered it in some way. But I didn’t cite him properly.

I think in retrospect. We could’ve done it in a different kind of way. And produced a text that would have been actually useful

You comes through

The more you copy, sooner or later, you won’t be able to copy in the way that you’d like to. And at that point, that’s when the you starts to come through. In a sense, your voice and style is what gets left behind when you try to copy someone and fail.

  • I’m sure there are other quotes out there on emulating and failing

Then you can be free and improvise

As you discover yourself. And learn more about your voice. Then you can start to really express yourself.

The more you know who you are The more you can act according to what you want to do and not in response to some stimuli

Then you can be confident in who you are. You also become more free to improvise That means you are just expressing your own understanding of your body and who you are