In the rush to see our children achieve milestones, we often overlook the importance of the journey itself. The focus tends to be on the end result: walking, talking, or any other developmental marker. But what if the real value lies in the process, in each stage that leads to these milestones?

Experts caution that rushing through developmental stages can actually be detrimental. It’s not about how quickly a child reaches a milestone, but how well they navigate each preceding stage. This resonates with me as a new parent. Watching my daughter roll and anticipating her crawling and walking fills me with excitement, but it’s a reminder to appreciate each stage for its own sake.

The idea parallels the concept of “progressive overload” in fitness, where gradual progression is key to long-term gains and injury prevention. In the same way, each developmental stage serves as a building block for the next, providing the necessary foundation for holistic growth.

So, instead of fixating on the next big milestone, let’s celebrate the small wins and the time spent in each stage. It’s not just about reaching the finish line; it’s about enjoying and learning from the journey.

Read more at: Illeism: The ancient trick to help you think more wisely - BBC Worklife

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