Rethinking Sales Funnels: The Transformational Community Approach

In the world of health and fitness coaching, the sales funnel isn’t a mechanical pipeline—it’s a living, breathing ecosystem of transformations. Traditional tactics like surveys or quick-fix lead magnets miss the soul of this journey. Here’s how to rethink the game:

  • Community Over Surveys: The experience of transformation is often collective. Create a hive, not a questionnaire. For instance, think “90-Day Fitness Journey Community,” not “30-question intake survey.”

  • Showcasing Progress: Nothing motivates like evidence. Facilitate a space where members can share milestones and setbacks alike, creating a narrative of authentic transformation.

  • The Alchemy of Interaction: Want to expedite someone’s transformation? Don’t just dump information; create a vortex of interaction. Ponder on this: How can the community be a catalyst for faster, deeper change?

  • The Middle Is Where Magic Happens: The middle of the funnel is often seen as a mere transit zone. But this is where the alchemy occurs—through nurturing. The currency isn’t just freebies; it’s the continuous infusion of opportunities to grow, ideally through community interactions and helpful resources.

The missing ingredient in many sales funnels is the sense of caring that turns transactions into transformations. When you build a relationship, you’re not just closing a sale; you’re opening a new chapter in someone’s life journey.

Read more at: How I’m rethinking sales funnels

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