The Trap of Comparison

Paudre Gautuma’s words resonate deeply with me. In a world that often feels like a constant competition, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison. Whether it’s in the realm of poetry, health coaching, or any other field, comparing oneself to others can be a creativity killer. It’s like a mental treadmill—you’re running but going nowhere.

The Value of Learning

That’s not to say we should exist in a vacuum. Learning from others is crucial. It’s how we grow and evolve in our respective fields. But there’s a fine line between learning and comparing. The former empowers us; the latter disempowers us. It’s the difference between seeing someone’s work and thinking, “What can I learn from this?” versus “Why can’t I be like this?”

Late Bloomers and the Illusion of Time

Feeling like you’ve come late to something shouldn’t diminish your passion or your potential contributions. In fact, sometimes coming in “late” can offer a fresh perspective, unburdened by the jadedness that can come with years in a field. It’s never too late to make a meaningful impact.

Why This Matters to Me

As someone who’s building a coaching practice and striving to be a thought leader, I find this a timely reminder. Comparison can be a significant roadblock, but it’s one that can be overcome by focusing on my unique voice and contributions. It’s not about being the first or the best; it’s about being authentically me.

Read more at: Vidyan Ravinthiran — Artist | The On Being Project

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