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The Peter Attia Drive #212 - The Neuroscience of Obesity | Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D.

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Key Idea

Contemporary food is so tasty Like crazy tasty

Hunter gatherer food would have been so bland and tasteless

Food now is so much more hedonic

Although they often go together and different parts of our tongues have different we sense for example, sweet on the very front of our tongue I recall. But that’s about the extent of my knowledge and recollection of where our tongue resides in that. But what does the taste that we experience today? You and I if we go out to a restaurant, how does that compare to the range of taste that our ancestors experienced? Speaker 1: This brings up a topic that I like to talk about because if you look at what hunter gatherers actually eat, let’s say we’re looking at contemporary and historical hunter gatherers where data have been collected and using that as a proxy for types of food that our ancestors would have eaten. It is radically different than what we eat today in

See also

Eating disorders is a big thing for Gen Z