Our nutrition quest often overlooks a simple truth: the earth’s flora brims with the very micronutrients we seek. In the west, particularly in the US, prevalent dietary gaps in folate, calcium, and magnesium are glaring. Yet, nature offers a bounty in the form of vibrant, leafy greens—broccoli, kale, collards, spinach, each a powerhouse of the nutrients we often deem missing.

As a health coach attuned to the rhythms of natural wellness, I’ve grown to appreciate the foundational role these vegetables play. They remind me that before turning to the shelves of a supplement store, I should explore the rich tapestry of nutrients available in my own kitchen or local market. It’s about starting with the basics, understanding that the earth, with its cycles and seasons, often provides what we need.

This realization is pivotal. It speaks to the essence of health that is integrative and holistic, where the first step is always to seek out the whole, unprocessed sources that are naturally engineered for our benefit.

Read more at: Roots of Wellness: Unearthing the Health Benefits of Nutrient-Rich Vegetables

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