Here are 3 ways to ‘think gray’

  1. Give yourself a menu of different options

And not the good, better, best kind. More like the different flavors kind.

Then you choose depending on what kind of mood you’re in

For example:

  • If I’m feeling rushed —> Do a 5-minute walk
  • If I want to be outside —> Go for a hike or run
  • If I want to blow off steam —> A heavy weights session
  1. Learn to ‘Adjust the Volume’

Not every workout has to be SUPER intense- that’s ‘all or nothing’

Can you think of intensity like a volume knob?

  • Feeling great? Dial it way up to the max
  • Feeling tired and lazy? Don’t skip! Just dial it way down to 1 or 2

As long as it’s never zero

  1. Think in weeks (or months) not days

You don’t have to be ‘all or nothing’ with your workouts every single day

I’ve had clients who’ve had better success being 80% consistent than those that give 100%. Why? Because those that go at 100% (or even 110%) burn out FAST. (They ghost me after a few weeks)

But my 80%ers? They stick around- they know that missing one day is not the end of the world.

They don’t drop off because they’re not perfect

Read more at: URL

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