Do you notice how it’s easier for healthy people to stay healthy?

That’s because health is a flywheel. It’s hard to get started. But once it’s spinning it takes much less effort to stay healthy. Understand the parts, and you can apply leverage to get yourself going.

Here are the 3 parts of the health flywheel, and how you can use that to build your health.

It comes down to these 3:

  • Sleep
  • Nutrition
  • Movement

You can start anywhere. They affect each other.

Pick the one you’d like to work on and leverage that to build the other two.

#1 Practice good sleep habits

For some stupid reason, I still hear people brag about how little sleep they get away with. STOP

Sleep is THE NUMBER ONE thing you can do for your health. It can:

  • Reduce stress
  • More energy
  • Better focus This list could just goes on

When you get good sleep, you’ll have more energy to move. If your sleep habits are consistent, the body can regulate your appetite better.

Your health flywheel starts spinning

#2 Nutrition: Let the good food crowd out the junk

The number 1 reason diets fail is by trying to be too good too fast.

That’s like trying to stop a train moving at full speed.

Instead, don’t cut out the junk yet. Start by introducing good food instead.

  • Add veggies
  • Go for less processed food
  • Try leaner meats

Trust that over time, you’ll appreciate good foods too- then you can try and cut back on the junk.

As you eat well, you’ll start to fuel your body properly. Movement will be easier with that fuel. And cutting back the junk helps you sleep better.

Your health flywheel starts spinning

#3 Movement: Stop ‘exercising’- keep moving instead

Modern life has squished all our movement into 1 hour of exercise

  • Gym sessions
  • Movement classes
  • Cardio time

This forgets that our bodies are designed to be constantly on the move.

Reframe: How can you ‘exercise’ less, but move all day instead?

  • Take a walk and catch up with a friend?
  • Bike to and from work?
  • Have more physical hobbies- like woodworking or gardening?

As you start to move more, your body will be tired and ready sleep each night. You’ll also start looking for the food you need to refuel yourself well.

Your health flywheel starts spinning

TLDR: How to get your health flywheel spinning

  • Develop a steady sleep routine
  • Let good foods crowd out junk
  • Stop exercising and start moving

Once your health flywheel, you’ll discover there are tricks within each one. But that’s for another thread

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