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The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish #141 Kunal Shah: Core Human Motivations

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Key Idea

Find people who can think long term Those are the best thinkers And the best people to work with

The long game people

nd you can talk about many of these things. I think a lot of times having just a long term mindset around decisions even if it’s short term decisions is useful. So I’ve seen that some people are naturally good at long term decisions. Then many people who are very good at short term decisions. Right? So I think using a lot of those people as a P I is in your life for long term decision is a good framework and we all of us know some people who are very good at long term decisions and and they think 20 years, 40 years, 60 years, 80 years, 100 years on everything. Right? For example, I’ve always told people that all bad behavior is rooted in short term thinking.

See also

Reputation is a long game build it slowly Health advice for your 18 year old self