In my journey as a fitness enthusiast, I’ve realized that maintaining motivation is key to consistent exercise. I’ve adopted what I call a ‘fitness menu’ approach. It’s like crafting a diverse meal plan, ensuring I get a mix of different workout types each week. My current mix includes strength training, slow cardio, and high-intensity sessions, with a sprinkle of mobility and flow movements. It’s akin to having a well-rounded meal, where each form of exercise complements the others.

However, there’s a candid admission I must make. This approach sometimes feels scattered, as if I’m not zeroing in on a specific fitness goal. Yet, I’ve come to understand that this variety is vital for me. It keeps the routine exciting and fresh, which is crucial for my long-term commitment.

The trade-offs are clear, though. If my aim was to optimize one specific aspect of fitness in the short term, a more structured and rigid routine would be better. But for me, it’s about balancing progress with pleasure. This menu-based method allows just that - enough structure for steady improvement and enough variety to maintain my interest and enthusiasm.

In essence, the key to a fulfilling fitness journey lies in recognizing and embracing the trade-offs. It’s about finding what works personally and acknowledging that there’s no one-size-fits-all in fitness. Variety not only spices up my routine but also keeps me engaged, motivated, and progressing on my health journey.

Read more at: Building a fitness menu - Sam Sager

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