By merely suggesting a more ambitious path or setting a higher standard, we can significantly impact the life trajectories of people, especially the young. This isn’t just a random act of kindness but a high-return investment in the human capital of society. It costs us little but could mean the world to them.

This is more than a teacher-student dynamic; it’s a universal principle that applies to coaches, mentors, leaders, and even peers. It’s a reminder that sometimes, our words can become the winds that propel others’ sails. True humility lies not in diminishing our role in this but in acknowledging it without overshadowing the achievements of those we’ve influenced.

Therefore, when someone credits me for changing their life or setting them on a more ambitious path, true humility dictates that I recognize my role in that journey. It’s not about boasting but about understanding the ripple effect of my actions and words.

Read more at: The high-return activity of raising others’ aspirations - Marginal REVOLUTION

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