topic: 202111281949- Deep Why alias: tags:#permanent-note#motivation#on/purpose

My writing (250-300 words)

What’s your ‘Why’?

Someone shared this video with me this week, and I love the message!

I won’t spoil the video- go ahead and watch it first.

Train for your Life

Many people ask for me for tips on exercise- and when they do, I try to dig deeper as to what their motivation is. If their goal is to just to ‘get fit’- that usually isn’t enough.

That’s because getting fit is vague. Fit can mean different things to different people. Most people have this idea that being fit means looking good, and moving well. And while those are nice things to have, it’s better to root your practice in things that might matter more to you.

What would being fit mean for you? 

It could be:

  • I’ll be strong enough to travel, enjoy my hobbies
  • I have the energy work and be creative
  • I can play with my kids (and grandkids)

These kinds of things are what really motivate us to exercise. Working out, running and going to the gym is not the goal. The goal is living a healthier, happier life. Train for that instead.

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