Indoor Catio?

One of the troubles we ran into last year with Pippin was that when the typhoon season came around, we didn’t have anywhere to keep him. When the winds got really strong, it didn’t feel safe for him to stay outside in the catio.

What happened during the two big storms last year was that we had to keep Pippin in his pet carrier overnight. It’s secure, but too cramped for him (he couldn’t really stand up.) We could hear him meowing all night- he was not happy.

It doesn’t work to just leave him unsupervised overnight, because our house is completely open, and he’d have access to the kitchen, all the spice racks, and the dinnerware— a disaster waiting to happen.

So ever since last year’s rainy season, we’ve been trying to come up with a solution on how we can keep Pippin indoors overnight, without imprisoning him in his little carrier.

Here’s what we came up with. We found these wire panels online, and we assembled some kind of cat corral. We tried to make it reasonably spacious, with some levels (which cats like). To make it a bit sturdier, we tied it together with sisal rope (and some zip ties to reinforce some of the joints.)

But at least when the storms come, we’ll have a place where we can keep him indoors and not be so cramped.

We’re sure he won’t like it.