up:: Entrepreneurship MOC X:: PQ Business Development - Irresistible Offer tags:: offering novelty::


Key Ideas

What they get What they pay FRAMING THE OFFER

You can mix things up

  • zoom and check ins

Niching in and focusing on people

Use Alpha Posse and see how they describe themselves

  • see what people are looking at in AP

I know exactly what you’re going through, and I know how to make this work for you

Remove the stuff that doesn’t help Add the stuff that does Check in with you

What do you call this thing? What is the package?

  • choosing the right size for them
  • And clear value wise things

Come up with 3 version of your services

  • for whatever reasons
  • Name these things

Fear is a big part of this

  • And I can reply to your emails within 24/hours to help you with whatever you feel uncertain about

Mental Models

  • Is you have packages
  • So that you don’t have to negotiate
  • And then it becomes that kind of thing

That’s interesting because

That reminds me It’s similar because It’s different because It’s important because