When it comes to lifelong health, the goal gradient is hard, because those goals seem so far away and abstract. So what are the tricks you can do to make it seem more accessible and realistic?

One very tangible way to do this is to break things down into something that’s much more concrete.

There’s a trick here that’s called a goal network. A goal network can let you see how your big and macro goals tie into your smaller, day to day activities.

  1. It provides meaning for those activities. You can see your daily habits in the context now of your lifelong health goal
  2. It makes it tangible. This benefit goes both ways- by making it specific and tangible, you really get to see how things will work for you

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Go one level up : Psychology MOC You may also be interested in: Using the gradient hypothesis to your advantage

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Breaking it down and tricks using gradient hypothesis

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Health and Goal Network

Deep Why The real reason people don’t really get started
