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The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish #141 Kunal Shah: Core Human Motivations

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Key Idea

Shifting your frame of reference is the best way to avoid your cognitive biases

obviously never make a poor choice. Everything makes sense based on how you see the world. And so what you’re really doing is you’re shifting your frame of reference, which is the only thing that I’ve ever seen, helpful at avoiding cognitive biases in the future because cognitive biases are so good at explaining why we made a mistake? But Retrospectively in the past, here’s why you screwed up. And it’s like, well that’s great how do I use this information to make better decisions in the future. And it’s like actually that’s really tricky. The smarter you are, the more likely you’re not gonna be able to do that checklist, don’t matter. You know, when I talked to Daniel Kahneman, he said the exact same thing, he’s like, I’ve studied this for 60 some years and I’m no better at avoiding them and I’m like throwing my hands up, going well, what the heck? But

See also

Verbalizing your problems is very powerful Play and Self Handicapping