What’s the subject area for your book? Where would it be in the bookstore? You can change it later if you’re not sure. Just list your best guess.

What are the repeating messages for books in your field? Come up with at least 3 or 4 bullet points.

What’s missing? Just keep it really simple with short phrases, listing as many as you can.

In what ways does this passion of yours inform and influence your book idea?

I have always been curious and passionate about Lifelong Movement which is about creatively staying active year to year I care about Moving for life because I myself want to be able to stay active and energetic even when I’m old and gray

What’s your counter-intuitive idea? What can you distill down into a single sentence or phrase? Just jot down a bunch of half baked ideas and see where that gets you.

For instance, my first book’s counter-intuitive message was: Divorced families can actually be healthier for kids than nuclear families (where the mom and dad are still married but miserable). That was my hook, and I opened with it when I pitched literary agents to get their attention.