When it comes to making progress. People generally really underestimate the power of doing a small action with insane regularity.

Example in wealth

In building wealth slow and steady investments make a big difference down the line in having true wealth

Financial freedom becomes possible When you’ve seen the compounding effect happen enough that you’re not held back by the amount of money you have

You’re free to do the things you want to do financially.

That’s freedom here and it’s linked to the compounding effect

Extending the analogy

I can extend this analogy and talk about the fantasy people have of inheriting a lump sum of money or winning the lottery. It’s attractive and it feels easy and I can feel free quickly

But also I’m willing to bet that a certain number of lottery winners actually don’t change their lives with it. Because they might not have the habits in place That can make that wealth be sustainable or self supporting. And so they lost their wealth

That’s the second factor here It’s not just the actual money that you save up.

By investing with the compound effect It’s the good habits you build And how that becomes a skill you use whether you’re wealthy or not

How health can compound like wealth

Similarly, in being physically healthy (You can say having “health wealth”) small actions make a big difference down the line

You do small things that help your health

You follow a system but you are flexible within that system

You can imagine that health is not an end in itself, just as wealth and money is not an end in itself

It’s just the freedom that comes with it. And I see how I’ll need it down the line.

How will I need it down the line?

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