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url: Multipotentiality - by Gunnar - Thinking Ahead

Key Ideas

Multipotentialites, or those who have multiple interests and passions, often struggle to find a career or life trajectory that brings them fulfillment. According to Wapnick, people who lean more toward multipotentiality crave three things from their career and life: variety, meaning, and money. To help multipotentialites find the right path, Wapnick has outlined four ways to find jobs that can help you achieve this.

The first is the “Group hug” approach, which involves having one job that lets you do many different things you are interested in.

The second is the “Slash approach,” where you combine two or more part-time jobs, often in fairly niche careers.

The third is the “Einstein approach,” where you find a job that you don’t mind doing to pay the bills, but which also leaves you enough time and energy to pursue other passions on the side.

The last approach is the “Phoenix approach,” where you pursue one job or career trajectory with a healthy dose of obsession for a while, then quit and start over in another field.

By considering these approaches, multipotentialites can find a career or life trajectory that brings them fulfillment, variety, meaning, and money.

That’s interesting because I have always identified as someone who is incredibly multidisciplinary. But I’ve struggled to turn that into a career

That reminds me of David Epstein’s book Range- a simple book with a pretty good concept. It’s similar because the belief is that people who specialize are the ones who advance. But the truth is that people who are multidisciplinary are the most innovative and the most useful indviduals See also Being multi disciplinary and multi sport

It’s different because it just feels very different than what the culture values

It’s important because if we are going to educate kids on how to do well in society. It’s going to have to come from places like this.