Self handicap and play

When we’re playing, there’s an element of self handicap that’s going on. So we’re not pushing ourselves to the limit That happens more in the context of competetion Where I’m trying to destroy my opponennt and the group (even my teammates— think about how if I’m so competitive I can even harm my teammates)

New ways to move

Why self handicap? From a self perspective It’s so that you can learn to do something different Like what if I didn’t use my palms? Or what if I did this or that

Giving yourself restrictions is a kind of play (Princess Bride fighting with your off hand) Enjoying yourself It’s not about winning outright It’s more about having a good time for yourself

Princess Bride Swordfight is Play

From a social perspective

When you play with other people there’s also this element of self handicapping Where you actually play at a lower skill level in order to keep the game going.

I think of how I used to play with a large group of friends at different skills levels and I wouldn’t compete at my hardest and I would get upset with Rafa who would compete as hard as he could Which is not the point for me.

So you play at a weaker level, not so much to suck on purpose but to maintain social relationships

and that’s fine That’s part of it also

What is play for?

Because play is not just about self fulfillment it’s also about maintaining relationships understsanding how we work together

The social element of play

I think about how working out in groups is so much fun and we copy one another and play together so that we can have strong social relationships

How can I self handicap better?

I think about how I don’t self handicap very well People still perceive me as very smart or clever or someone who’s ahead of them and not behind them or with them