Embarking on a weight loss journey often feels like standing at the base of a mountain. The initial phase is challenging, fraught with self-doubt and setbacks. However, the highlighted experience underscores the value of approaching weight loss as a long-term lifestyle change rather than a quick fix. I’ve always believed that flexibility in diet, instead of strict adherence to fads, allows for sustainable change.

The use of the Noom application is noteworthy. It didn’t present revolutionary dietary advice but shifted the focus towards the psychology of eating. Sometimes we need to be reminded of what we already know, bringing subconscious habits to the surface. That’s particularly crucial in the early stages of any weight loss journey, where every decision feels magnified. It’s not unlike my early days in entrepreneurship; the initial hurdles felt insurmountable, but with time and evolving strategies, the path became clearer.

The transition from a ‘first push’ to a sustainable lifestyle change is crucial. Just like in business, as you reach different stages, the strategies that got you there may not be the ones to sustain you. The key takeaway here is that weight loss, like any other significant life change, requires an evolving approach based on self-awareness and a long-term vision.

The merit of this approach is that it doesn’t cage you into a rigid regime but rather encourages moderation. You’re not abstaining but choosing, not restricting but moderating—thus avoiding the dreaded “yo-yo” effect that many face in their weight loss journeys.

Read more at: How I Lost 65 Pounds In 18 Months Without Any Fad Diets or Gimmicks | by Mark Suster | Both Sides of the Table

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