We’re talking about stress, eating, obesity, and here we’ve also broadened the discussion to include different generations. We’re talking about teens and adults.

I’d love for you to share with us your findings around this study that you did of pregnant women and how stress and pregnancy and different patterns of eating and physiological changes that people experienced during pregnancy.

Could you share with us what those findings were, because I think those are relevant, not just to people who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, but to everybody, because I think they shed light on how we manage stress and sometimes how we fail to manage stress.

Yeah, so with overweight and obesity, we know we can’t just change calories. It’s just not going to work. The next stressful event is going to come along, and people will go back to what their brain is driving them to do, is to binge on comfort food.

The podcast excerpt is here Stress and Pregnancy and Different Patterns of Eating and Physiological Changes That People Experienced | 1min snip from Huberman Lab

The full episode is here: Dr. Elissa Epel: Control Stress for Healthy Eating, Metabolism & Aging

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