My writing (250-300 words)

In 2008, I did a backflip on a trampoline- fell off and dislocated my shoulder.

I was at a friend’s house and we were at a birthday party. We were celebrating. Enjoying each other’s company. There was a trampoline, and I wanted to show off to everyone a trick I was practicing. I jumped, flipped, and completely missed the landing. I tumbled off the trampoline, and popped my arm out of my shoulder socket

It felt like my body was never the same since then.

I find myself thinking that I wished I had taken better care of my body

If I didn’t do that stupid flip on that stupid day, then I would’ve never gotten hurt. I would still be strong and stable. My body would still be able to do the things I want it to do. I can’t help but feel stupid and regretful. Man I wish I really didn’t do that.

But that puts me in a trap and a cycle of not being able to forgive myself.

Forgive yourself and move on.

Can you forgive yourself for the stupid shit you did to your body when you were younger? Can you also accept that it’s not the end of the process. That you can still recover. That you can still be healthy. You don’t need your body to pristine and perfect- you can still get strong from here.

There is still hope for your body

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